Hackthissite.org level 6 : XECryption algorithm

This is some perl code I wrote to help crack the hackthissite.org realistic mission level 6 challenge. This script has an automated brute force option and therefore comes with two wordlists as examples. This script can be used to more easily crack other ciphertext messages encrypted using the XECryption algorithm. Note: this perl code only runs in Linux (Windows users see below).

To download this perl script click here: Linux xecryption cracker.
This download comes with BOTH ciphertext files and two small wordlists to use.

The HTS level 6 XECryption ciphertext file is here: Xecryption cipher text.Another sample ciphertext can be found here: Sample xecryption cipher text. To get a Windows version of the above script click here: Windows xecryption cracker. Note that you must have Active State Perl installed to run this script.